I hope everyone had a great holiday season! And Happy New Year! I cant believe it is already 2017!

I wanted to talk about resolutions. I like to wait until the days following the 1st to really hone in on a resolution and I don’t usually pick hard and fast resolutions. I like to come up with a few themes with some underlying goals. A lot of years these are the same or similar. Not because I failed the prior years but because the beginning of a new yea is just a great time to refocus on ourselves. This year my 2 themes are health and patience.

I chose health for a few different reasons. One being slightly superficial (I mean I do have a certain outfit I want to look good wearing in approximately 168 days.) But some of the other reasons are just more general and for overall health. I want to focus on eating more greens, drinking more water, exercise regularly, etc. Being healthy affects all aspects of our lives and not just our external appearance. I want to have more energy and just generally feel good.

As for patience, if you really think about it, it is a subcategory of health as well. Mental health. I think I’m a generally happy go lucky kind of gal but I do have a short tempter and little patience. I would like to focus on not having such a short fuse and having more patience for the people around me this year. For example, whenever I’m stuck in traffic I get so annoyed at everyone around me. But when you really think about it, we are all stuck in it together (well except for maybe that person who always goes 50 in the fast lane… keep it moving) and they have places they’d like to be to. Maybe more mindfulness is the answer? TBD.

I also wanted to say one more thing about resolutions. I see people writing all over facebook, twitter, etc. that the gym is packed this week and they can’t wait for these newbies to quit in another week or so. I hate this! We should be supporting each other! People are trying to better themselves and be healthier. Sure, it may seem like an inconvenience. But maybe the world would be a better place if instead we reached out and offered support to that new person in the gym struggling with how to use a machine or with their form. Be more welcoming and maybe you’ll make a new gym buddy. And this sentiment applies in a lot of scenarios. This just happens to be the most common one I’ve come across this week.

What are your resolutions this year?

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