Breaking Baby News!

Breaking News! This Modern Broad is knocked up! Baby N is scheduled to appear mid-February 2019. My roomie and I are SO excited! We found out just before our 1st wedding anniversary in June and it has been a tough secret to keep. I am so happy I can finally share it with you all.

This is our first and it is quite the roller coaster of symptoms and emotions! But I am so excited to share this journey with you all. I will post regular bump-dates (bump updates ;-)) but I thought I would go ahead and answer some preliminary questions I am sure you have!

Q: Were you trying?

A: Yes! We got married last June and have been ready to start our family since. It wasn’t the easiest road to get to this point but I always say a bumpy road stands between you and the good times (or at least that is true when you are going camping).


Q: When did you find out?

A: The beginning of June! It was so exciting but a total bummer I couldn’t indulge in a little vino for our anniversary! Although some people choose to drink small amounts of wine during pregnancy I made a personal choice to pretty much abstain throughout this time period. It is definitely a personal choice and no judgment either way. You do you girl.


Q: Due date?!?

A: February 16, 2019 – Although I am pretty sure I read somewhere that like 5% of babies are born on their due date. So I just keep saying mid-February! But I am 17 weeks and some change at this point.


Q: Do you know the sex?

A: No! We could find out at our next appointment. But we aren’t going to find out! I am excited for the big surprise at the end of this journey. Plus, I feel like I may need a little motivation to push at gametime!


Q: First Trimester symptoms?

A: I was pretty nauseous for a couple of weeks during the middle of the first trimester. I never threw up but I could barely stomach food. I also had a lot of food aversions. Foods I normally love I couldn’t even stand to look at. I craved Milk Duds like crazy. I peed a lot. Which I kind of did anyways but I definitely noticed an uptick. My boobs killed me for weeks. I couldn’t wait to rip my bra off and get out of boob jail everyday when I got home from work. And I was basically just dead tired for weeks. First trimester exhaustion is NO joke. And you are only allowed to have like 1 cup of coffee which doesn’t help matters. I savor that single cup of joe every AM.


Q: Bump?

A: I think I have a little bump at this point. Except it looks more like a beer belly. I actually haven’t gained a single pound yet (I lost 4 pounds in the first trimester and I just gained them back and I am currently at my pre-pregnancy weight) but my abdomen has completely changed shape. It is kind of crazy. I can’t really wear anything fitted yet to show it off due to it not looking like a true baby belly. My normal jeans just suddenly stopped being able to button this past week. So I guess I am in the awkward in between stage right now.


Q: How is Meatball Paul handling the news?

A: He is still getting used to the news!

My first trimester survival checklist:

1. Prenatal Vitamins – This is the first thing everyone, including your OBGYN, will tell you to do. You should actually start taking them when you are trying to conceive. Beware they are the size of horse pills. I chose this brand because they were the easiest to swallow (literally and figuratively).

2. Bralettes – For those crazy swollen, sore boobs! Wearing a bralette was a little bit less painful then a regular bra. If i had to run errands after work or on the weekends I would just wear a bralette instead of a constricting bra. There are a lot of cute ones out there but I personally liked this, this and this.

3. Cocoa Butter & Vitamin E Oil – Everyone says that stretch marks are pretty much hereditary. But I want to do everything I can to try and avoid and/or minimize them. Also, I just really wanted something to soothe my itchy skin. Something nobody tells you: your belly and boobs will itch as the skin stretches! It is awful. I decided to go with a regimen of Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E oil. I chose these two specific products because they don’t stain your clothes if you get dressed immediately after applying. This was important to me because I shower in the AM before going to work. But whatever you do just invest in something for skin care that you like and that will soothe your skin when it starts itching up a storm. Do some research before biting the bullet on a product. There are a lot of common skin care ingredients you should avoid once you are pregnant.

4. Belly Band – As soon as I realized my pants weren’t exactly going to zip up anymore I knew I needed a solution. I am still not really big enough to fill out maternity bottoms. Belly band to the rescue. You can leave your pants unzipped and just slip this thing around your waist. It just looks like you are wearing a tank top under you shirt. It is fitted and holds your pants up perfectly while hiding your unzipped situation but also has stretch so you don’t feel like you are being suffocated. I highly recommend for that awkward in between stage.

I will be back to do another bumpdate every 3-4 weeks. Let me know if you guys have any questions or tips for me!


*Disclaimer: This post contains some affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for any products I mention. However, I only refer products that I truly love. All opinions are my own. 

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