Sunday Scaries

Today is one of those days where I am blogging instead of doing something else I should be doing. My wedding is in less than 2 weeks now and instead of finishing up last minute details I am blogging and buying these sandals. And when I say “Today” I mean Sunday. I was going to post this last night but then I fell sleep. Oops!

I was dealing with a serious case of the Sunday Scaries and I thought I should share a couple of my tried and true methods for fighting off the Sunday Scaries (none of which I did today – again, oops!). You all know what I am talking about when I refer to the Sunday Scaries. That feeling of dread when you realize the weekend is over and you have to go back to work tomorrow. I shudder just thinking about it. But there are a couple of things you can do on Sunday to help ward off this terrible feeling.

1. Meal Prep

Planning out your meals for the week, going to the grocery store and then prepping a few things for the week. It makes a world of a difference. Even if you just make your lunches for the week it will be so helpful. On Monday AM when you are feeling drowsy and incoherent you can just throw that prepped tupperware in a bag and drag your ass to work. If I have the time, I like to even put together some snacks like cut up fruit, yogurt and granola, apple and PB, veggies and hummus or guac, or portion out some trail mix.

2. Do Dreadful Tasks on Saturday

If there is a chore or errand you are dreading all week or for that matter all weekend, don’t put it off until Sunday. It will just put you in a more rotten mood. Get it done on Saturday. Then you don’t have to worry about it all day Saturday and then feel crappy when it is finally time to do it on Sunday.

3. Get Shit Done Early

You might not be able to get to those dreadful chores or errands done on Saturday. But get everything out of the way early (if you aren’t too hungover). That leaves the second half of Sunday for straight relaxing.

4. Go For a Walk

Get the blood pumping. I’m not a scientist or anything but I’m pretty sure exercise gets the good endorphins going. But Sundays are for keeping it slow and relaxed. Sundays are called for walks. Take your dog, take a friend, or just take yourself and a good podcast or playlist.

5. Schedule a Treat

I like to schedule a Sunday treat to look forward to at the end of the day. I’m a sweets gal so a lot of times it is one of those mini Haagen Dazs ice cream cups or Mochi ice cream. When it is time to sit down and relax at the end of the day it is time to indulge in my treat!

6. Wine

When in doubt, guzzle some wine.

What do you guys do to ward off the Sunday Scaries?

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