Surprise Me

It is a rainy crappy week here in Boston. (It actually even snowed today – FML). So I did, as you do, when you’re feeling crappy and got in some retail therapy on my lunch break. After all the shoe shopping at DSW, I was exhausted and needed a pick me up before heading back to the office. I began to pull out of the parking lot to head to the nearest Dunkin’ Donuts when I remembered a conversation I had with my roomie and slammed on my brakes. (Luckily, there was no one behind me. I clearly needed this coffee.)

My roomie and I are obsessed with the Dunkin’ Donuts app. You pay with the app and get points for the coffee your purchasing. Those points quickly add up to free coffees (and other perks). Earning free coffee for the coffee I am already buying anyways??? No brainer. My roomie had recently told me that if you use the mobile ordering feature you get double the points for your purchase. This was the perfect opportunity to try it out.

I whip out my phone and order up a coffee. But then I’m like let me explore around a little bit and see how you order other things. And of course I go directly to the Donuts section. I am IMMEDIATELY delighted when I see the first option.

THERE IS A SURPRISE ME OPTION!!!! Are you kidding me?? This is what dreams are made of. Now I HAVE to get a donut. Beach body? What’s that? I have surprise donuts to worry about.

I am giddy with excitement as I walk into Dunks and pick up my order. I powerwalk back to my car and peak in the bag as soon as my ass hits the seat. And what do I see? A fucking plain glazed donut.

At first, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe the sweet angel baby who works at Dunks would do me dirty like this. She gave me the most basic bitch donut they have in there. But as I am cruising the 45 second drive back to my office I take the time to cool off from this donut debaucle. And I think to myself that maybe she didn’t just pick the plainest donut they have because she doesn’t care. Maybe she actually put some serious thought into this choice.

As I was woofing the donut down I couldn’t help but think that plain glazed donuts are pretty delicious. They are extremely underrated. I wouldn’t have thought to treat myself to the original OG of donuts. And I can’t say I wasn’t surprised. Maybe this was her plan all along…



This is not an ad or a sponsored post. I just really like the DD app.

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1 Comment

  1. The app is good unless you have to order a chocolate chip muffin for a 4 year old queen and it’s not even listed 😫 . Lol.