Tuesday Tunes

It’s Tuesday and it has already been a hella long week. Anyone else?? There are a lot of things going on behind the scenes at This Modern Broad that I can’t/don’t feel like sharing just yet. Plus, I have a trial this week at work that I’ve been prepping for. This is a lot of detail oriented work. And this little parasite, I mean baby, in my stomach is just making me exhausted. Where is that second trimester energy people are always talking about??

It was torrential downpours this morning too. It was basically pitch black out and I did not want to get out of bed, get ready for work, etc. I love a good downpour when I can cuddle up in my PJs and binge watch Dawson’s Creek on Amazon Prime. When I have to look presentable and go to work I am just cranky. I decided to do a little mini self-care to perk myself up. Today, that consisted of stopping at Dunkin’ Donuts on my way to work for a chamomile tea and coffee cake muffin and turning on some relaxing tunes when I got to my desk.

Now that it is kinda almost Fall in New England I’ve been into more relaxed jams. Fall always makes me want to throw it back with some older favs too. I always just want to listen to Kanye’s College Dropout on repeat in the Fall for some reason too. Why is Fall such a reminiscent time?? But I thought I would share with you guys my current playlist today.

What are you guys listening to this week? How is your week going? Let me know in the comments!

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1 Comment

  1. Well my eeek has not been as long as yours but making people pretty can be tiring as well!! I hope your case goes well I know you’ll kick ass per usual lol!! And that parasite will take your everything from now on so get used to it hahahahaha our music taste may be a bit different but Nicki manaj’s new albums is pretty good I blast it when I’m alone in the car and it gets me ready for the day!!