Book Club

For many of you who know me, you know that I enjoy a good book. I don’t usually read the most intellectual books. Let’s just say I’m not diving into War & Peace anytime soon. But I do love to curl up with a cup of tea and dive into a book that is going to entertain me. I figured I would share with you guys my opinion of my latest reads on a monthly basis in a ‘Book Club’ feature.

Truly Madly Guilty 11.3.16I’ve most recently read a new book by one of my favorite authors, Liane Moriarty. Truly, Madly, Guilty came out this Summer and I just happened to see it on the day it came out while in the middle of a Target binge, I mean shopping trip. I immediately threw it in my cart and kept on moving. I had been reading a few chapters nightly and just recently wrapped it up. This should have been a tip off to me that this wasn’t her best work. Normally, I can’t put her books down. I have had all her other books within days and this one took me weeks.

I have enjoyed every single book by Moriarty so far. Up until this one that is. I was extremely disappointed with this book. Liane’s books usually have a great twist at the end. I almost want to compare her to a Jodie Picoult type in that way but feel it would actually be a disservice to all her other books. Maybe an M. Night Shyamalan movie would be a better comparison? I don’t know. But what I do know is that this book was missing her iconic twist. The book was enjoyable until the very end when it kind of just fell flat.

I don’t want to spill any beans on the plot (not that there are many beans to spill), so I won’t get into too much detail. But throughout the whole book you are waiting for something big to actually happen. But nothing happens.

I wouldn’t waste your money on this book but I would highly suggest any of her others. I even recently heard Big, Little Lies, one of my favorites by Moriarty, is being made into an HBO series featuring Reese Witherspoon!

After this major letdown, I’m on to the next one! Did any of you guys read this one? What are your thoughts? What should I read next?


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