CSA: Year 1

I’m all about fresh fruit and veggies. I would love to have a huge garden in my own backyard but unfortunately my little “grass” patch behind my house just wouldn’t accommodate a garden. Luckily, I’m also all about supporting local business and local agriculture. People have been raving about Community Supported Agriculture or CSA programs the past couple of years. Maybe longer, but I’ve only been listening for the past couple of years. I finally decided to jump on the bandwagon this year! I was a little late so most of the farm share program’s near me were already filled up. Wilsons Farm 2016However, Wilson’s Farm in Lexington, MA still had some spots available. I enlisted my mother in law to join me and we signed up for a large share. Small shares are for 2-3 people a week and large shares are designed for 4-5 people a week.

The produce CSA runs every week for 18 weeks! June to October. But in addition to produce they also include fruit occasionally and other things like farm fresh eggs. Every week I was excited to pick up the share and see what was in it! It never disappointed. I really liked that it made me step outside of my comfort zone as well. There were a few vegetables I had never even heard of and some I just had never had before. Farm share 2016Like has anyone out there heard of Kohlrabi? I had not before this but man was it good! Wilson’s website has a ton of recipes and each week they have print outs of a few recipes that feature ingredients in that week’s share. I made Kohlrabi home fries with thyme aioli courtesy of one of these featured recipes. DELICIOUS. Period. I could eat these every night with dinner.

Each week the basket was overflowing with items. I often had to use a carriage to get it to my car because it was so heavy. Especially the Week 8 farm share 2016weeks there was corn! The large share split between two households worked out to be about $18/week for each of us (even though you pay in full up front). This was a total steal as you definitely get way more than $18 worth of produce each week. Not to mention the quality over grocery store produce.

Additionally, Wilson’s Farm gives you 10% off in their store on the day of your farm share pick up. I greatly enjoyed the CSA and will definitely be participating again next year.

Does anyone else participate in a farm share? Where do you get yours?

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